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Next Meeting: 22 September 2015 – AGM & Special Guest Speaker Angela Vithoulkas
The details of our next meeting are: Venue: The Sands Hotel/Motel, 32 Curtin Crescent, Maroubra Date: Tuesday, 22 September, 2015 Time: 12.30 pm Topic: AGM & Special Guest Angela Vithoulkas RSVP: By 21 September, 2015 to A delicious lunch will be provided by The Sands, so please RSVP for catering[…]
Calling for Volunteers for the 2015 Fun Run
This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the Maroubra Fun Run & Oktoberfest. The date has been set for Sunday, 25th October, 2015. If you are able to assist in the lead up to the race with odd jobs, and specifically on the morning of the race from 7am to[…]
Building Business Relationships – 4 April 2017
Join us for an evening of networking and building relationships with your Maroubra business neighbours, hosted by the lovely Brad Ellison at 6X Training. As well as accommodating us physically Brad will also be providing us with some delicous healthy treats. Laura from Uppy will be presenting on how to[…]